We’re thrilled to announce we’ve upgraded to a new venue ‘Hackney House’ for our Sustainable Threads ‘Festival of Sustainable Fashion’ on Saturday 24th November.
The event is a celebration of fashion, creativity and recyclability – we’ll be popping up at Hackney House, where you can expect to find a Repair Cafe, The Big Swish Clothes Swap hosted by Betsy’s Closet Swap Shop whilst on the ground floor we’ll be running another Sustainable Threads Panel Discussion.
There will be entertainment, refreshments & Eco Stalls promoting how we can make a difference! Come join us – it’s FREE! And in a world where the problems are all around, we need to work together to find Solutions!
Let’s have that conversation together.
We’ll be posting more about the Swish soon – but are thrilled to have Betsy’s Closet Clothes swap hosting this great part of the event for us!
Please bring up to 5 items of unwanted clean clothes in good repair (any damaged items are better suited for the Repair cafe downstairs!) to swap for Betsy Swap Shop tokens & then get swishing!
We’ll have them sorted onto rails ready for you to find something to swap for & then you can capture the moment of feel-good waste-free fashion on our very own Instagramable Green Carpet!
Sustainable Threads is our continuous conversational space, creating a platform for the fashion consumer to speak and be heard, taking inspiration from each other and focusing on consumer power and achievable, sustainable solutions. http://sustainablethreads.org.uk/
So save the date and bring yourself, your friends & a few unwanted items of clothing to the FREE The Festival of Sustainable Fashion on November 24th 2018
Book your tickets here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-festival-of-sustainable-fashion-sustainable-threads-tickets-52046418238
The Festival of Sustainable Fashion and the Sustainable Threads project have been fully funded by the North London Waste Authority